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How can Enterprises Maximize Development ROI through DevSecOps

DevSecOps is a rapidly growing approach to software development that focuses on integrating security considerations into every stage of the development process. By incorporating security into the development lifecycle, organizations can minimize vulnerabilities and ensure that their products and services are as secure as possible. In this blog post, we will explore how enterprises can maximize their return on investment (ROI) through the implementation of DevSecOps practices. We will discuss the key benefits of DevSecOps, the best practices for implementing it, and how to measure the ROI of your efforts. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how DevSecOps can help your organization improve its security posture and increase its bottom line.

By Implementing Documentation 

Implementing documentation as a DevSecOps strategy is an effective way to ensure that security considerations are integrated throughout the development process. By creating and maintaining comprehensive documentation, teams can easily understand the security requirements of their projects and ensure that they are being met. This documentation should include information such as security testing protocols, incident response plans, and threat models. These documents should be easily accessible to all relevant stakeholders in the development process, including developers, security teams, and management. Additionally, it should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it stays current with the latest security best practices. 

Having well-defined and updated documentation is a key element in ensuring that the development process is secure and compliant with industry standards and regulations. It also helps to identify the potential security vulnerabilities and threats early on in the development process, so that they can be addressed before they become critical issues. This can save organizations time and money in the long run, as it is much cheaper to fix a problem in the development phase than after a product or service has been released to the public. By making documentation a central part of the DevSecOps process, organizations can improve their overall security posture and reduce the risk of security breaches. 

By Continuous Deployment

Continuous deployment is important for minimizing the consequences of failure and to create resilient, trustworthy systems. It has been observed that formal change requests and other cumbersome approval procedures hampers developer creativity. This leads to –

  • Process abuse
  • Circumvention of security or regulatory procedures
  • Creating silos
  • Creating bottlenecks
  • Temporary or external solutions

Negative creativity may increase the overall organizational risk. We should never rely on unwieldly approval processes to build confidence and trust in our software development and deployment practices. It has been seen that successful organizations build trust in these processes and minimize the costs of failed releases through the following practices:

  • Automated testing
  • Continuous, minimal, and frequent releasing
  • Testing new releases with a few number of users
  • Automated rollbacks
  • By upholding high deployment environmental parity
  • Progressive monitoring methods like Real User Monitoring (RUM) and synthetic monitoring

By creating a production-like environment for testing & QA

Creating a production-like environment for testing is an essential part of a DevSecOps strategy. This approach enables teams to test their applications and infrastructure in a realistic environment, which can help to identify and address any issues that may arise in a production environment. A production-like environment should be as close as possible to the actual production environment, including the same hardware, software, and configurations. This approach allows teams to test their applications and infrastructure in a way that is as close as possible to how it will be used in production, which helps to identify any potential issues and vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

In addition, it can also be used to simulate different scenarios and stress-test the application or infrastructure. This can also help to identify any scalability issues that may arise when the application or infrastructure is used in a production environment. Overall, creating a production-like environment for testing is an important part of a DevSecOps strategy as it helps to ensure that applications and infrastructure are secure and reliable in a production environment.

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By implementing observability

Creating observability is an important part of a DevSecOps strategy. This approach allows teams to have a comprehensive understanding of the state and performance of their applications and infrastructure at all times. This can help to identify and address issues quickly and efficiently, which can improve the overall reliability and security of the application or infrastructure.

Observability can be achieved through a variety of means, such as logging, monitoring, and tracing. Logging allows teams to record and analyze the activities of an application or infrastructure, which can be used to identify issues and troubleshoot problems. Monitoring allows teams to track the performance and health of an application or infrastructure, which can help to identify potential issues and vulnerabilities. Tracing allows teams to understand how different components of an application or infrastructure interact with each other, which can help to identify and address issues with the application or infrastructure.

By implementing security & up-to-date dependencies

By implementing security measures throughout the development process, teams can ensure that applications and infrastructure are secure and reliable in a production environment. This includes incorporating security best practices and tools, such as encryption, authentication, and authorization, into the development process. Keeping dependencies up-to-date is also crucial as it can help to ensure that any vulnerabilities in the dependencies are addressed quickly and efficiently. This includes updating any third-party libraries and frameworks that the application or infrastructure relies on.

This can help to prevent potential vulnerabilities from being exploited and can also improve the overall performance and stability of the application or infrastructure. Automating these security and dependency management tasks can help to make the process more efficient and effective. This can include automated security testing, vulnerability scanning and automated dependency management tools. This will help in ensuring that the team is always aware of the security and dependency status of the application or infrastructure.


DevSecOps is a powerful approach that can help enterprises maximize development ROI by integrating security into the development process. By creating a production-like environment for testing, creating observability, implementing security and keeping dependencies up-to-date, enterprises can ensure that applications and infrastructure are secure and reliable in a production environment. These practices can help to identify and address issues quickly and efficiently, which can improve the overall reliability and security of the application or infrastructure. Automating these security and dependency management tasks can also help to make the process more efficient and effective. Overall, implementing DevSecOps can help enterprises to save costs and improve the security and reliability of their applications, thereby maximizing development ROI.

ISmile Technologies help you to reimagine DevOps with integrated security at every step. Built with robust security, our DevSecOps Managed Service has been designed to enable your DevOps teams to redefine their operations without comprising on time to market velocity. Schedule your free assessment today.

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