RFP Scoring for Cloud Vendors; Best Practices

RPF scoring for Cloud Vendors

RFP Scoring also called proposal scoring is the practice of assigning numerical values to the responses from vendors. The RFP scoring is based on the set of questions which are a blend of open-ended and closed ones and reflects the capability of the cloud vendor to meet the company expectations for the journey to the […]

Free Cashflow to Equity Model (FCFE): Equity Valuation

Free Cashflow to Equity Model (FCFE): Equity Valuation

The purpose of equity valuation is to understand and evaluate the intrinsic value of a company which is listed on the public market. A good point to understand is the difference between the book value of assets, liabilities or equity and the market value of the same. The book value is the value at which the […]

Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCOE): Roles and Responsibilities

CCOE Roles and Responsibilities

CCOE Leader Activities Responsible for leading all the CCOE work and management of CCOE functions . Skill sets and Experience required Experience in deployment and operating on cloud    Experience with setting up pricing models and designing cloud services   Experience in cross-team functioning and collaborating with stakeholders   Experience in change management   Experience in aligning business goals with the […]

The steps to migrate MySQL database to Google Cloud SQL are:

How to migrate an MySQL database to Cloud SQL

MySQL is a database management system. A database is a collection of data. It can be anything from a simple grocery list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. Its development process focuses on offering a very efficient implementation of the features most people need. This means that MySQL […]


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