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Top 10 most prominent Business Drivers for Cloud Transformation 

Business Drivers for Cloud Transformation

Every organization has its unique needs for cloud transformation. The primary business drivers for cloud transformation as surveyed from various industries and organizations include:- 

Reduced Capital Cost  
Organizations with on-premise data centers make massive investments in hardware, computing, storage, and networking devices. Moreover, this hardware needs have to replace after a specific time. With cloud adoption, you can get rid of this capital expenditure. You pay for only the resources you are using. You can divert your investment to more productive pursuits of innovation and business expansion.  

Increased Business Agility  
With the cloud, you build an agile foundation that helps you deliver better products faster with spiked-up demands. Cloud enables you to scale up and down your infrastructure and pay for what you are using. Updates get more easily completed on the cloud, and better innovative solutions can be tested and deployed quickly.   

Business Continuity  
With on-premise infrastructure, any disaster can harm business continuity. Cloud hosting solves this problem through primary or secondary options, reducing your dependence on an on-premise stack.  

Cloud hosting solves resource challenges by providing dynamic resources to organizations that are available on-demand. The service delivery infrastructure of the cloud can expand and contract automatically based on capacity needs. Build all new applications directly on the cloud and build orchestration “layers” to enable cloud elasticity capabilities for existing applications and systems.  

Reduced Operational Costs  
Cloud helps reduce the time, efforts, and money spent on more minor value-added deliverables like query solving, procurement, setting up of infrastructure, and more.  

The services are architected such that several customers share the underlying infrastructure resources without compromising the privacy and security of any single customer’s data.  

Usage-Based Metering  
Billing is either based on the usage of computing resources or a subscription-based model (without long-term contracts).  

UAT Environment  
Users of “test and dev” were among the first cloud pioneers, and it remains a significant driver today. A strong motivation for cloud hosting is the ability to quickly spin up production-quality environments for writing code and User Acceptance Testing – with the option to seamlessly transition into a live environment – for a limited period.  

The user can directly consume many cloud services from the user interface (UI) or an application programming interface (API).  

Connect data and services using flexible cloud tools and environments to build new and innovative processes and applications.  

iSmile technologies offers free consultation with an expert, Grab your chance now! 

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